Yesterday was a decent day. David came home last night! Unfortunately, he had to drive through some serious thunderstorms. My symptoms have been pretty tolerable. They are not gone but seem to be better. I've been dealing with a headache for a couple days. Sometimes it is just a nagging headache and other times it's significant. Right now it is pretty significant so I am just chilling out in my recliner. I've taken Tylenol but it's not helping at all. David and I are planning to head to the camper this afternoon or evening depending on how I'm feeling. Honestly, I can sit in my recliner at the camper just as easily as I do at home so I'm sure we will get there at some point today. It really feels like we are getting away and it's so relaxing 😎 sometimes you just need to get away.

This time last year we were in Nashville on a Holt/Villa Family vacation !! So fun! This is when I felt more normal but I knew my health was declining. I was 20 pounds heavier due to congestive heart failure fluid retention. I would get short of breath just walking and if there was even the slightest incline I would need to stop and rest to catch my breath. I couldn't tolerate the heat very well either. Everyone was very patient and considerate of my needs and we had a great time! My first Tomahawk steaks were delicious too! Thanks Corey! Lesley's empanadas are legendary! Thank you Lesley!
Each 💔 beat matters
I hope you are having a relaxing time. Put some cold press or a washcloth (put in freeze to get cold) on your head for the headache. I find sometimes this helps. Be glad your not here in the 90’s and feels like 100+🔥
I hope this comment finds you and David 😄 at the camper and you are feeling better today (no headache or any other problems). Just rest and relax. 💕 Love you always.
Anytime. 😘😘