Today I am dealing with so many emotions. On this date at around 5:30pm. I was on a stretcher heading to the OR to meet my new heart and let go of the heart that I was born with (my heart). I was crying because I was so scared and I was crying because I was so excited to get a second chance at life. A lot has happened over the past year. I’ve had some complications and some struggles along the way including my most recent Covid infection for which I’m in the hospital on the day of my Heartiversary. We will do some celebrating when I’m discharged and feeling better.
I am so grateful for the gift I have been given and for my family and friends who have supported me along the way in every way.
Today evokes my thoughts that it is also the death anniversary for my donor. It is hard to think that someone had to lose their life in order for me to live. His/her family are not celebrating today. They are reminded of their loss. This lays heavy on my heart. I wish that they could know how much they have blessed me, my family and friends. I gained another year here on this earth to spend with my amazing family and continue my beautiful life.
I have been thinking seriously about writing a letter to the donor family but I also wanted to be able to report that I was doing great. I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer before writing the letter or even knowing what to write! I know I will figure it out…
Each 💔 Beat Matters!

Happy Heart Anniversary.
Can’t wait to see you and celebrate
Happy Heart ❤️ Anniversary, love to you and the amazing family that allowed you to be here with us for this year and more to come !
Happy ❤️ heartaversery KellyAnn … I know when you are ready, you will find the words you need to let the donor family know how much courage and sacrifice you know it took for them to let go and give you more time. We are so grateful to them as well Kelly. I pray for that family every day .. as well as you! 💕 Hope you feel better soon!