Wow! What a milestone. A few months ago I honestly had thoughts that I might not reach this day. I knew that I needed a heart transplant to keep me alive and through a miracle I received my special heart and am here to celebrate 🎉
I will never take one day for granted again! Each ❤️ beat matters and the beat must go on...
I woke up this morning feeling overwhelming blessed. I felt compelled to tell my heart that I love it and I promise to take care of it. I wanted to reassure it it that it is safe and is very much wanted.. it may seem weird to do that but I really feel this way and hey, we talk to our plants so why not.❤️
I plan to have a nice quiet Birthday. David had originally planned a big party luau style but I can't manage that at this point and I'm not supposed to be around a lot of people at this early in my recovery so I am sure everyone understands that the party has been canceled 🌴
My friends and family are having a benefit for me on July 28, 2023 and I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. I appreciate everyone' s love and support. Everyone keeps saying that I am a star and a rockstar but please know that I could not have done this without your prayers, positive vibes and support!
I love you!!!!
Each ❤️matters

Happy Birthday KellyAnn! Glad you had a special day with your loved ones! 🎂🥳❤️🥰🌷
Happy Birthday KellyAnn! I hope you had a GREAT DAY!
Happy birthday kellyann enjoy your day
You truly are a rock star, and I've always thought that even before. Wishing you a happiest 55th birthday, and many more to come 💗. 💪🫶
Happy Birthday Kelly!❤️🎉💐🎂🎈I hope you are having a great day. We wish you the best. Ann & Kelly